
Spoken words never heard.

It was not because they were not said,

No, I was not so fortunate.

Thoughts shared, thoughts returned,

the wrapping never disturbed

except by the handling,

which left it tattered and worn.

Ignorance held, kept the glass full,

and a full glass can take no more knowledge.

Was I also guilty of this?

Certainly, for in my ignorance,

I assumed you would wish not to be.

This poem was inspired from an excerpt of “Zen Flesh Zen Bones”. Unfortunately, I do not currently have my copy near me to share with you the exact story, but I will endeavor to do so in the morning, so if you are interested, try checking back then.

How I Feel #5

How I Feel #5

So, ducks. . .

I don’t really have a problem with ducks, in fact I actually like them, and I really enjoy eating them(Sorry to any of my followers who may be vegetarian/vegan, or otherwise against the consumption of ducks. I eat animals, I think that’s what any good omnivore does) But I have seen some interesting trends similar to Anatidaephobia.

I find it similar to that feeling you get that you are being watched, and you don’t know from where. Or when someone keeps on making eye contact with you when you look up. Or when you are driving and you notice the same car has been matching your path exactly and has been right behind you the whole time.

The interesting thing about all of these is that usually, you’re not being watched, you’re just in unfamiliar territory so you are on your guard. Usually the person who keeps on staring at you when you look up, is actually just doing the same thing you are, and wondering why you keep staring at them, and usually the car that followed you all the way to the last turn onto your street, just happens to live in your neighborhood.

The point is, the duck isn’t really following you, it just happens to be going your way. Believe it or not people, ducks can make their own decisions, and they don’t need a human to tell them what way to go.

People are often the same way. Regardless of what you may think, the world does not revolve around you, and most of these things that occur in your life, are simply other things living their lives that happen to temporarily collide with yours. People are not their to make your life miserable, at least not most of them, and most of the ones that are are people that have not yet learned this lesson. Most people are simply just trying to live life the best they can.

So stop being so paranoid.

The duck, it follows its own path.

Learn from it.


How I feel #3

How I feel #3

What an interesting world we live in. Now, I don’t by any means know if the story has any basis in real life, but I do know that it is both hilarious, and true in principle.

What is it that makes us so insane that we can’t let people live life the way they wish? Especially when those people are causing no harm to us at all. We live our lives as if we are the only ones that matter, and that our way is the only right way.

I have news for you, we are all on different paths. We are all heading toward different destinations, for different experiences forge different goals and different perceptions of the universe. To some people, their idea of heaven is sitting in the clouds, hanging out with cherubs and playing harps. . . that sounds incredibly boring to me. I think if that was the reward I got for living a “good” life, I’d rather be bad.

Thankfully, I don’t believe that way, and I guess that’s the point I am trying to make. We all have different beliefs. Even if you prescribe to a specific religion, not all of your beliefs coincide with another member of that same religion, yet inside such organizations, do we not treat each other as brothers and sisters?

Why not then treat humanity the same way? We are all siblings, and we need to respect each other. We can’t allow ourselves to attack each other’s view points with anything more than logic, for we are all simply trying to make it through life the best we can.

Now grow up and be the best kid you can be.


How I Feel #2

This video says a lot about how we tend to treat the people we know. I am trying to apply what I learned from this film, or more specifically the quote that is used throughout the film. Let us not forget those people that are important to us and helped make us who we are, especially the ones we still like.

The Original quote was by Charles Hanson Towne, and I originally found the video on http://www.Zenpencils.com. The video was made by a film student named Sahel Takal, and I believe he has other films.